Frequently Asked Questions

NO statement, opinion, article, post, or any other material or information on this website is intended to be legal advice or to be applied in any particular case. If you believe you have been the subject of an international search involving INTERPOL, we urge you NOT to act on any statement, opinion, article, post, or any other material or information on this website. Instead, we urge you to seek legal advice from a lawyer as soon as possible.

Any and all statements, articles, posts, and any other material and information on this website represent the views of the respective author only.

What is a red notice?
What is a diffusion? Is there a difference between red notices and diffusions?
My search on the INTERPOL website does not return any information about me. Does it mean there is no red notice or diffusion against me recorded in INTERPOL’s files?
Can a red notice or diffusion have consequences other than an arrest or extradition?
On what basis can an individual challenge a red notice or diffusion?
Who is responsible for adjudicating requests for information and complaints from individuals challenging red notices and diffusions?
Do refugees enjoy special treatment?
How long does it take to have a request for access and complaint adjudicated?
My request to delete a red notice (diffusion) was denied. Can I appeal?